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Everyday Miracles Podcast with John Carter

Urgent Message From Jesus - with Guest John Carter

John died twice while in the hospital being treated for sepsis in 2020. The second time his heart stopped he had a profound experience and found himself in the arms of Jesus Christ. Jesus baptized him and explained that John was not going to be staying, but that he would be sent back with an important message. He also heard scripture from Jesus and was not aware it was scripture until his return. Also in his experience he had a life review, he saw the Archangel Michael, visited with many of his old family members, saw some well known saints, and enjoyed the beauty of heaven. Upon his return, John is filled with the love of Jesus and has been blessed with a gift to discern when people are dealing with demonic oppression. He shares two experiences where he was able to address those presences directly and help the person find freedom. "He said, 'I am sending you back. There's too much hate in the world right now, way too much. I'm not very happy about that and I'm gonna send you back and I want you to teach people how to love one another, as I love them.'" - John Carter This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. John 15:12 NLT So those who are last now will be first then, and those who are first will be last. Matthew 20:16 NLT John says he has been forever changed by his experience and is passionate about serving others and loving people, and sharing his message from Jesus. He has established a website where he shares a painting of Jesus that he feels is exactly what he saw. John worked for 22 years as a corrections officer and then as a Federal Air Marshall following 9/11. The portion of John's testimony around the health part of this journey was arduous and life threatening. It included times where he was close to multi-system organ failure. After having a section of his aorta and heart replaced, he reports that he is now nearly 90% and hopeful to make a full recovery. Thank you, John, for sharing your testimony! You are certainly a light for Jesus!



Sep 01, 2022

Hello John, I loved hearing your testimony. Jesus is the answer to everything - our lives on Earth and afterlife! He IS love! Im happy you're spreading His love message-I try to do the same! His love will concur evil once and for all! Until then ... we have work to do, with the help of Holy Spirit!


Todd M Anderson
Todd M Anderson
Jul 25, 2022

One of the best NDE reports I have ever heard! Everthing was explained simply and Biblically. Love is the Key! This testimony has re-energized my focus to share Christ's love everywhere I go all the time!

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