My Story
Hi, I’m John Carter, and this is my website. My message is contained in the podcasts below (Pegi Robison, Jeff Mara, Melissa Denyce, Lee Witting, the Everyday Miracles Podcast and the Natalie Higgins Podcast). There you will find a new way to live your life. A life full of love and compassion for others. A life blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ the King of our Universe. All he asks is that you love others as he (Jesus) loves you. And that you pray for your enemies. He told me “There is too much hate in the world.” He then asked me to spread his message far and wide. I’m thankful you're here and please accept my message as it will change you and all of us for the better.
In Christ's love,
Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. John 4:7-8
This I command you: love one another. John 15:17